Homeward Bound
I'm coming home! Well, in a few months, but home nonetheless. I'll be arriving in the ON at 12:45 May 23 (also known as Victoria Day) and spending a glorious 12 days. One thing for sure I'll be doing is going to K-W for my bro's wedding and hopefully seeing Noley. Miss her tonnes. If Andy of the Mack variety is reading this entry, I don't know if you'll still be in PB at that time, but I hope to see Bob and Marcy at Elim, so mayhap we'll see each other. I just really can't wait to be home, and seeing all the people I haven't seen in literally years. Well, I'm going to read for a bit, so I'll be up up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon. Well, not really, just on my couch.
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