Saturday, January 15, 2005

Music of the Night

Ah, Michael Crawford, I'll be your angel of music any day. So Alida, potentially Laurel and I are going to watch Phantom on Sunday. This girl is ever so excited. I get so pumped up whenever I hear the soundtrack. That's good music. By far, my favourite is Music of the Night by Crawford. His voice is just unbelievably good. Can't wait to see how this one turns out. From all the reviews I've seen it looks good.
Today at work, we got the new VPR. (No idea what it stands for) Basically we get new colours and styles and what not, and our store needs to be 'renovated' to reflect the new look. New items to the front, old/sale items to the back and never the two shall meet. It was my responsibility to do the plus side of the store. I've done it before, and I'm sure I'll do it again, but let me tell you it is exhausting. You have to follow what head office decides, but they don't always give you everything you need, so there is some element of decision making that I had to make. Luckily Leisa was there, and we were able to discuss what would be the better option. Still, I was a tired girl once I got out there, and because Leisa gave me a ride (a good thing, don't get me wrong), I forgot to put my boots on, so they're still at work, which means my tender tootsies will freeze while waiting for the bus tomorrow morning. Ah well, builds character, or some other cliche. Well, going to bed now.