Thursday, December 23, 2004

For You and a Guest

So in the space of 2 hours, maybe less, I was invited to two different weddings of people I was very close to at EBC, and as luck would have it, I can go to neither. I'm so happy for them of course, but I so desperately wish I could be there. The first is near K-W I think, on New Year's Day, and the second is in MI on the 22nd of Jan. I don't even have an address for one of the girls to send a card. I'm going to have to find one. I guess it's that time in my life. It's really funny because when I left that group of friends both of them were single. Barely a year went by and they're both getting married. I suppose that means there's hope for me yet. (Guys with mullets need not apply.) Well I best head toward bed. The day after tomorrow my folks are going to be here, and I'm not quite ready yet. I hope I can get it all done tomorrow.