Friday, June 24, 2005

Did Lycurgus die in Cirrha?

Today, Deanna left the basement not to return until the end of August. I'm hoping not to be too terribly lonely. On some good news, my landlords are coming to rip up the carpet and the wall to see about the mould in the insulation. I hope that a) there's nothing there or b) there's something there, but it will get replaced quickly. I also finally have a Sunday off; but that's when the landlords are coming, so church still is out. Oy. I have decided what one of my pet peeves is. I've noticed that when someone new enters an environment, some of the existing people act differently. When I used to be at EBC, we'd have our own version of Scope days, and I remember my friend Sam telling me that in her worship class, the existing students acting more upbeat and extremely fake. It happened yesterday at work, and it made me so angry. Why do we feel that we have to be different at the very beginning, when in the long run, we ultimately go back to the 'real us' for better or for worse. Then we're at the risk of being accused of being fake. Let's just not bother with the pretense. It's probably more annoying than the 'real you' anyway!
