Monday, June 06, 2005

The Significance?

So, in my previous post, the title was "rivets". Does anyone know what it means? Don't be shy.
I had so much fun today. Rob and Christa (my cousins) and Christa's friend came over and we played Rage - which is sort of like Rook - and then Joya came over, played some more Rage, then we played Egyptian Screw Rat. I have lost my edge a little bit, but I am determined to get better. Deanna and I are hoping to have a Beach themed party with games. I'm going to get me a coleman stove and we're going to attempt shish-kabobs. I'm looking forward to it! So this week I'm working about 41 hours or so. The joys of having only 3 people. What it basically means is 8 hour shifts - either 9-5:30 (which I prefer), or 1-9:30, which isn't as grand as it sounds. I'm soon going to get my stereo! I tried to fit it in my carry-on, but it was a little too big for it, so I convinced my dad to ship it out for me. Saying in no uncertain terms that if you don't get your stereo you're going to buy a new one is a very good motivator, if anyone needs help with that. Heck, it got me a new t.v. too!
I never really realized how much living in those craphole dorms at Rocky really affected my life. I freak out every time a see an ant. Case in point: we were watching the season finale of CSI today, and Nick Stokes is buried alive and is being bit by fire ants, and in all seriousness, I almost threw up, because I remembered the ants in your food, in your shower, in your bed, in your clothes...well; everywhere! I am now scarred for life. Add that to the list of insects that I cannot be near. The last entry before the ants were ladybugs. That's because in Ontario two summers ago we had a strand of what I call 'rabid ladybugs' and they would attach themselves to whole sides of houses. Not cool!
