Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Riches Can't Buy Everything

I gave blood today, normal routine occurance every 56 days or so. Not this time! The nurse stuck it in a vein that was on the side of my arm, and it had difficulties staying in, and getting the blood, so she was constantly fiddling with it. It usually only take me about 5-6 minutes to fill up the required amount, so by the 10th minute or so, I'm feeling a little wierd. I can't feel anything but that needle in my body. About the 17th minute or so, they decide to take it out. No big deal right? Well, when the nurse (different one that put it in) took it out, I thought I was going to throw up and pass out all at the same time. Plus, I almost cried. So all of a sudden the nurses were throwing cold towels on me, taking off my watch (my hand was swollen) putting the fan on me and rubbing my arm and hand. I was suddenly so cold that I couldn't talk for my teeth chattering.
I guess that's it. My arm is still really sore so I shouldn't really be doing anything with it, much less typing.