Sunday, February 04, 2007

Dream Police Come to Me In My Bed

Oy. This machine makes me so frustrated. It continually locks up for no apparent reason. Makes me want to throw it across the room. I don't know what frustrates me more. The fact it's acting like a piece of junk, or how dependant I feel of it.
In other news, I checked out a new church today. It's about a 3 minute bus ride from my house - probably within walking distance if it weren't for the lack of sidewalk on an extreme hill. I really enjoyed it, and perhaps will get more committed in the next few months.
I also am starting a new job on Monday in the NE. I really hope to get a car soon as getting up so early every morning and having evening commitments will really burn me out.
I can't think of anything else that's new with me.