Thursday, March 31, 2005

Whoop - Di - Friggen - Doo

Ug, this is me procrastinating. I am almost halfway done my Celtic Spirituality paper. I'm doing it on the history of the Celts, and it is a very interesting topic, but I just don't want to write anymore!!! I think it's because I know that once this is over, I have another cram fest to gather enough information to do a 30 minute lecture on theatre in Canada. Argh! Of course, I could have avoided this cunundrum by actually being disciplined instead of thinking I do my best work at the last minute. It might be true, I usually tend to work better under a little pressure, but I want to do other things. I was also asked today by Cindy to write a little spiel on authenticity and something else...I think it starts with an 's', but I can't recall the word, and I really don't think I know anything about it. Well moving on.
I have acting class every Tuesday and Thursday. I am in a 3 person group for repeating which makes it a little difficult. That's beside the point. Kari and Buck are in my group. After a dismal scene on Tuesday, we racked our brain to come up with something simpler. Kari suggested that we do a evolution on a scene we were going to do together but never had the chance. I was to be Buck's girlfriend, and Kari was to be the ex. Kari and I were friends but things were strained. So as we were hammering out the details, we were discussing how far along Buck and my relationship was to be, to figure out the level of comfortablity with each other. Buck jokingly grabbed my hand and I had myself a mini freak out. I thought I was over the touching thing, but it seems not. So I was worrying about how I could prep being his girlfriend and picking him up for something. I was actually making myself sick over it, so I knew there needed to be a change. I decided that my doing would be to break up with him. Since I sort of felt a little disgust about being the girlfriend, I could use that with my prep. It worked a lot better. But it did make me wonder about why I was feeling that way, and will I feel that way when a real relationship comes my way. Erp.