Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Celebrate Good Times, Come On

The Big One Is Here! My 200th post extravaganza! As you can see I've made some changes, hope you like them. I'm quite partial to them myself. 200 entries. Wow. I've been thinking lately about how I'd "celebrate" this milestone. Pictures, behind the scenes, secrets revealed. But I'm not sure which one I'd choose, so I'll do all three, but perhaps in a different order, you know, so it's not so mundane.
When I write my blog, I'm either one the couch, at the table, or on my bed. Ah, the joys of a laptop. There have been times when I wrote at my parents computer desk, but you know, I'm rarely there. The titles I choose, if you haven't already noticed are lines of songs that run through my head. Never shall I write a non-lyric title, and that's a promise, heck, that's my whole platform! I like getting lots of comments - but then again, who doesn't?
Sometimes, I can't think of cool lyrics to put for my titles, so I take advantage of this website. It's saved my behind several times.
My life really isn't as boring as you read. If I write down all that happens to me, your head would explode.

And that would be it. Thanks for reading, and continuing to read, and as repayment, I pomise not to make your head explode with my uber exciting life!