Saturday, June 24, 2006

Try To Catch Me Ridin' Dirty

Monday I was making my version of sloppy joes, and whilst taking the buns out of the oven, my mitt caught aflame. I then (quite obviously I think) said, "I'm on fire!" in a british accent with certain inflections. I did that because it's a quote from a movie. Thursday, I was telling Joya my story, and I tried to tell her what movie it was from, and I couldn't remember. All I could remember was that it was a british guy and quite possibly a children's movie. I kept saying it over and over and over, and I got Joya to say it, but no luck. I msg-ed everybody I knew, even included the question in Joya's email to Scott (the worship pastor at Foothills), and nothing, they didn't know. It was kind of generic. Thursday night I was playing my computer before I went to bed, and the quote started running through my mind. I tried to hold it there, running circumstances through my head, and I figured it out!!!! It's from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. But of course, it was so late I couldn't immediately tell anyone, so it was kind of a bummer that way.
At Ikea last night, I bought 2 Kimmes for less than the price of one, and a kettle - but I don't think she charged for the kettle, but that's ok becuase lady was a biyotch. The fun part was putting them in Joya's car... and she was worried her bed wouldn't fit. Oh, Ikea.
So, my spare room is called Spare Oom. What should we call the other 2?