Thursday, April 21, 2005

Blood Day

So this was kind of an impromptu blood day as Trevor stopped by and told me, and I decided to tag along. I figured it'd almost been a year; I might as well do it. I've decided that I will probably wait another year until I do it again. My arm aches, and not the arm I got blood taken from. I have problem veins, and in my right arm, they couldn't find I've got a pretty cool bruise - just in time for the banquet. They tried my left arm (I had gone all that way) and when they found a vein (one of the 3 nurses that were helping me) she shot that needle in there like nothing else. It hurt! But after that, the blood came pouring took no longer than 5 minutes...a new record for me.
In other news, Deanna has moved in and is crashing on our floor until she goes on tour and she is able to occupy Kris' room. But I must sleep; I work on the morrow and it's going to be a busy day!
