Monday, April 18, 2005

Nothing of Note

I've just realized how sad my life is. Lately it's been, I work and I go to school and I come home. Or, I go to school and I come home, or to switch things up, I go to work and I come home. And what happens at home? Nothing of note! Once again, life and society is passing me by. I think it's the nice weather that's really opening my eyes to this fact. Back at EBC, we'd be throwing a football around, or going for a walk, or playing road hockey, or just watching squirrels. Well, here, there is a severe lackness of squirrels. [sidenote: in grade 6, I couldn't spell squirrel for the life of me.] And now what do I do to pass the time? This, re-watch Alias season one and two, re-read all the stories I've attempted to write, think of how nice it would be to start writing again, then promptly close down Wordperfect because I just don't have the inspiration. They say to write what you know...I know nothing of life, for I do not live it! I'd like to go rollerblading with someone, take a walk in the dusky hours, have meaningful conversations in my backyard, because guess what? I have one! My goal to make new friends is so fresh in my mind, but I just don't know how to do it. Maybe they'll fall from the sky?
