Friday, April 29, 2005

Out With the Old

Well, Kris has departed to start a new chapter in BC. The house feels so weird. Deanna's on tour till the 12, and Kristin is moving into her dorms on Sunday. I'm going to be so lonely! It's funny; even when Kris is gone, when the phone rings it still wasn't for me. Funny, or sad? Maybe a little of both. I'm still watching the 3rd season of Alias, and I have to say, so far it's the best one. That's all that's really going on in my life. Oh, and I got an invitation to my brother's wedding, and to my chagrin it includes a guest. My mom brought to my attention the last time I invited a guest, and it wasn't pretty, so there is an upside to not bringing anyone, but at the same time, I'm tired of always having to go stag to such items. Soon enough I hope!
