Wednesday, May 18, 2005

5 More Days!

I can now count on 1 hand how many more days till I get to go home! I'm soo excited. I get to see Noley, Jen, whoever else is living in Kay-Dub, I'm getting a cell phone, my brother's getting married, I'm getting a hair cut, and I might be able to see Bob and Marcy. So much stuff; and I'm getting a long distance plan, so when I come back here, I'll be able to call Noley and Jen. Ha, I had a dream about Miss Noley; I wonder where my brain's at. Today I work 1-9:30, then I have two days off (which will go by SO fast) and then I have little dinky hours at work on Saturday and Sunday, which will help, because I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to packing. YES! You know, if a child or dog were this excited, they'd probably piddle. Thankfully I'm all growed up.
5 More Days
