Thursday, May 12, 2005

Do Woodchucks Really Chuck Wood?

Today Deanna moved in. Let me rephrase that, she settled in. She returned from choir tour and we are now in the midst of some remodeling (well actually, I've retired for the night) but she's still gung-ho. It's really great; stop by and see, it's like a whole new world. I'm ever so tired; perhaps it's got some to do with the fact that I went to bed last night at 2-ish and instead of sleeping till noon, which has begun to be the routine, my body woke up at 9. While I'm all for getting my internal clock reset, I would have rathered me going to bed at 10 and doing it that way. So what did I do with my new-found morn? I cleaned! I cleaned the bathroom, and it looks and smells smashing. It also smells of Orange Pin Sol. For all those Ontarioans who read this, Calgary has a lack of earwigs, so cleaning the bathroom isn't the heart-stopping experience it is at home. For all those who are not knowledgeable in the earwig world, they thrive on damp spots and wriggle around with pinchers, and you can't squeeze them to death because out pops and egg and another earwig is born. The deal is to flush them, or fry them in the barbeque as they sometimes find their way in that. Ugh, enough about that, it's giving me the wiggins. Alright, so, yeah. Nothing more to say, oh Saturday I'm going to a play. Hopefully Joya comes too, because it will be a mite scary getting off at Olympic Plaza by my lonesome. I'll probably get stabbed in the neck.
