Saturday, May 14, 2005

Saturday Night

Ok, so I went to see Under a Bridge, Along the River, and it was really good. (Sorry Alida, that I ran out so quick...I'll need to sleep on it before we can talk about it). Ha, it was really the train ride back that was so exciting. It was Kristin, Joya and myself, and we sat in the middle section of the train, where they have the long benches faces each other. A few stops down the line, an extremely drunk guy came on at the bench beside ours (and by beside I mean, just in the other section). He was talking to a young guy, saying he was from Newfoundland and the like when he decided to sit with us because "we were the prettiest things he had ever seen". Oh, but first he asked us if we had any scissors because he wanted to trim his moustache. I thought it was a good moustache, and I told him that he shouldn't cut it. So, he's sitting beside us and I'm just loving it, he was so cute! He was asking us who the worst bad man was, so I said, "Lex Luthor", and he didn't like that, I said, "Hitler" and he didn't like that either. He said the worst bad man was Jesse James. Then he repeated the cycle again. It was so fun. So that's my night.
Oh, and I know how to fix my purse dilemma
