Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sure Plays a Mean Pinball

Ever since I moved here I've had a problem with numbers. And it's not in the way most people might think. Since first year, I've been going out in groups, walking downtown, walking in the malls, et cetera. And since those first activites, the groups have been uneven. Boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl, and me. I guess it's just the age I'm at, and the place I'm at. I go to Bible College, of course there's hooking up. I just never thought I'd be the one left forgotten. It's unfortunate that when people get in relationships the dynamic of other friendships change. Ha, look at me on my soapbox. There's no saying I won't be like that when/if I get in a relationship. I know I'll certainly be more conscious about what I'm doing. I don't think I can do it anymore. Go out in odd number of groups, because invariably I'll the odd person out. But thanks anyway for inviting me.
