Thursday, September 01, 2005

Take My Hand Off To Never Neverland

Oh, good ol' Metallica. So wholesome.

I'm injured. It hurts. Yesterday I did some lifting of boxes and as a result my shoulder started hurting. When coming home on the bus, the driver thought it would be especially fun to -while stopping nicely - slam on the brakes for no reason. I was holding onto the bars with both my hands, and was able to stop myself from a fall, but not from an owie. While my arms stayed put, the rest of my body surged forward and stretched those muscles/tendons/whatevers that connect my torso to my arms. Very painful. I'm very lucky my arms did not get ripped off. Seriously. So I have to be very careful about what I do, and how I do it. So Deanna's back. It's a different experience to come home and have the lights on. Me likee.

On a funnier note. I was watching So You Think You Can Dance, and one of the male dancers was describing his dance with a partner and the lifts they had to do. One sentence was, "and her arm came around and hit me in my manspot". I laughed as I laugh when I watch America's Funniest Home Videos. It's almost funnier than a guy doubling over and screaming, "my area!" Oh good times. Well I should be off; time to rest for tomorrow. Oy, I'm so ready for a day off. One more shift, one more shift, one more shift. Ha! Try saying that 5 times fast. I dare ya! In front of your parents.
