Friday, January 28, 2005

The Winter of your Miscontent

Oy today. I had to wake up earlier than I had woken up in probably 2 weeks. It was tough to do. As part of the drama troupe I had to do this movement thing about the mysteries of Christ. Funny thing is, I didn't get what half the movements were supposed to represent, so I'm not suprised if the people watching didn't understand either.
So that's done. I got home and there was a message on the machine from Leisa saying that today was Donna's birthday and to get my butt over to work to grab a card and a little something to stick a candle in. That was fun. I also made a bloody expensive eye appointment for Tuesday morning. Everybody wants to cash in on our bad health. Why can't I cash in, it's my problem!
Then I came home and watched a gazillion Alias' and fell asleep on the couch. After waking up, I called my mom because I had received some news and was wondering why she didn't tell me. Turns out she forgot. Anyway, I was, at the same time reading my email, and Laurel had sent me a request to be Mr. Van Daan in the upcoming show The Diary of Anne Frank, and by upcoming I mean I have a month and a half give or take to memorize the lines. Of course I can't say 'no' knowing all the effort and trouble going into finding male cast members, so I set out to memorize some lines, only to be sidetracked by Rocky IV. I must admit I enjoyed it. I never thought I would, but I did, and I think eventually would like to see all the Rocky's. So that was my day. It was sort of busy, and non-boring for the most part, but now I must head off to bed.