Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sound of the drums, Beatin' in my Heart

It's spring! I actually heard the roll of thunder today and for once I was excited. (I usually am terrified of thunderstorms - well, only at night, during the day it's manageable.) There are many reasons to be excited.
1. The weather is smashing!
2. School is almost over for the summer
3. My play is coming up in one week. I'm sure as time gets closer, I'll be nervous as all get out
4. I registered for my classes today, and I only have 2 classes a semester
4a. In one of those classes I'll be writing a full lenght play
5. My parents are coming in 4 months
6. I'm probably moving out by the end of the school year
7. I can wear sandals (and have been since Monday)
8. Once school ends, I can make more money

There are also some things to be sad about
1. Lost will go on reruns soon till next September or October
1a. So will all the shows I enjoy.
2. People from school will be leaving
2a. People will be graduating (the program people, and I have learned to enjoy their company, namely Karmin, Kari, Scott and Mitch)
3. If I do move, I will really miss my landlords - they really are nice people
4. I will have to start paying off my OSAP really soon.

Holy list batman! Oh, also, I can't type worth beans today. I guess my fingers are excited too! Hope your first days of spring have gone as good as mine.

'Nuff Said