Monday, July 10, 2006

In the Midnight Hour

I'm excited. I've finally figured out what my play this year is about, and I've actually started writing some dialogue down! I've even referenced Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. I don't know where my mind gets these things.
For the longest time I've been feeling really unproductive about this summer because I knew that I wanted to get a big chunk of this play started because I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time in 4 months to get it down pat the way I want it. I do have plans to publish this! But now that it's started, the idea is concrete, I feel like a weight has been lifted and I can start doing what I like best. Forming characters. I one time started writing a story and I developed two guys characters and I fell in like with them. It's probably because I wrote exactly how I want "my perfect guy" (hehe Kristin, that was for you!) It's fun to create personalities. You can put little pieces of yourself in, or put things that you wish you had. Ahh, the times. Well, I'm thirsty and hyper because of my creative juices flowing through me and I can barely contain my fingers on the keyboard, so I must be away.
I know I promised pictures, but they haven't been uploaded yet...but they will.
EDIT: I have started a blog chronicling my writing journey. Please stop by for updates!
Ye Ole Writing Diary Link