Take These Broken Wings
I didn't realize people missed my writing on the blog. Thanks Faith!!!Well, I've been crazy busy, so this will be short I'm sure. I'm stage managing an Easter Show at Foothills Alliance which will be going up next weekend (obviously), and directing my own show the very next week. So I'm stressed and tired. Mostly tired.
There's transit issues going on in Calgary. The drivers are on a work to rule schedule, so one of my buses in the morning just doesn't run, so I have to find another way to get to work. There is a way, but it's a lot longer and a heck of a lot out of my way. It seems all the city is concerned about is the school kids, but if people aren't getting to work, who's going to pay the taxes that pay for schools up-keep?
But on the upside, I'm going home in exactly one month today!!!!!