Monday, July 18, 2005

Tie Up My Old Brown Shoes

Such a fun weekend. It was great having Nicky over, but now the house is empty. Psh, she hasn't even been gone 30 minutes and already the house feels lonely again. At least we had the weekend! Yesterday we went to "The Drum" as I like to call it. We went to see The Canadian Badlands Passion Play. Extra good stuff because we got in for free and all we had to do was open doors for the golf carts. I got to play bouncer sometimes, but all in all the verdict was easy. Such an incredible landscape too. I've never seen anything like it. I was totally in tourist mode. Very unashamedly too. I'd want to go back just to look around and take pictures. I got a souvenir for my folks, and my souvenir was a very bright shade of pink on my arms and neck. Super duper. I knew I would probably need sunblock, but the breeze fooled me into thinking that I wasn't getting that warm. Today Nicky and I just vegged - I think we watched about 11 episodes of Alias. Good times. Tomorrow it's back to work, then a day off then back to work then another day off. Next week Allison is coming up - having seen her in 2 years - it's going to be great. We worked as banquet servers at Elim, and as fellow dorm mothers and program workers. We quit on the same day. Good memories. She's going to be taking me up to Banff. I'm so excited to be seeing the mountains up close again, after a year's hiatus!
I'm off to bed - it's hard to sleep when you're sunburned so I like to get in as much time as possible to try!
