Saturday, August 27, 2005

Precious Declaration Says I Believe All Hope is Dead no Longer

The party last night for Alida was swell, and hey, we almost got the waitress to buy us a round of shots and/or dance on the table. If I had to choose, I think I'd go with the shots. I saw a guy from school there too. We never hung out, but he was pleasant to talk to in the halls. After the partay, I was invited back to Kat and Christians place to watch a movie, and I was pleasantly surpised at how good it was. If you have a chance, watch Luther. I saw some threads about the movie and it said it was Catholic bashing. I don't think it was; it was just just showing history. No worries Catholics, I don't think the less of you because of that movie. It didn't show the first reformers/Lutherans/Protestants being very friendly either.
So last night I woke up after being asleep for less than an hour and I thought I saw a spider, and I totally freaked out, and couldn't sleep for another hour. I needed to call somebody but really, who's up at 3 in the morning? Ok, I don't want to talk about spiders anymore. Must work!
