Sunday, February 05, 2006

It's All For the Best

To celebrate me being done the Musical Theatre Showcase, I'm going to do my duty to Neely and answer the questions she tagged me with!

Four Jobs You've Had in Your Life
1. Banquet server
2. Farm Worker
3. Telemarketer
4. Rock picker (I picked up rocks from my parents grass for about $1 per full margerine container)

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over Again
1. The 60's
2. The Mummy Collection
3. Say Anything
4. The Breakfast Club

Four TV Shows You Loved to Watch
1. Xena
2. She-Ra
3. Knight Rider
4. Hercules

Four Places You've Lived
1. Oshawa, Ontario
2. Cannington, Ontario
3. Kitchener, Ontario
4. Calgary, Alberta

Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. New Brunswick
2. Manitoba
3. Algonquin Park
4. Bon Echo

Four Places You Would Rather Be
1. England
2. Scotland
3. Greece
4. Wales

Four Of Your Favourite Foods
1. Spinach Dip
2. Quesadillas
3. Lasagna
4. Ham and Cheese Casserole

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Gmail
2. Hotmail

Four Tagged
1. Betty
2. Kristin
3. Alida
4. Trevoures

NOTE: I am now doing my book review over on What Would Kim Read. Check it out!
